Gain on Odyssey Stratos

Anyone know what the gain is on the Odyssey Stratos. I can't find it on any of the published specs. I am considering bi-amping using the Odyssey and a Tube Amp (AES-25 DJH Signature) and am trying to see how closely they will match. The AES has a gain of +15db.

sibelius, check out vmps' www regarding their subwoofers. they are passive, which means that ewe need an outboard x-over & amps, but this is an adwantage, imo: yule get much better performance for much less money. the vmps' go way-low, w/tiny distortion, & they can really put out the spl's. i have a pair of the larger subs, crossed over w/the flexible, transparent marchand xm-9 deluxe active x-over, driven by a pair of old usa-made adcom gfa555's. i've had them successfully integrated w/proac tablettes, thiel 3.5's, nht super-zero's, totem arro's, and my main speakers, meret re's (same drivers & designer as the artemus eos, if yure not familiar w/the merets). i'd think they'll integrate well w/the newforms - as these speakers will most likely be my next major purchase, they'd better! :>) and, as john meyer of newform sez results are much better actively crossing over his speakers, i am planning on sending my xm-9 back to phil marchand & having him conwert it to a 3-way x-over. my entire subwoofer system - the two fully-tweeked vmps', the marchand x-over, the two adcom amps, came in at <$2400, everyting but one of the amps purchased brand-spanking-gnu, someting i usually try to awoid like the plague! ;~) but, even gnu, these are a bargain compared to the competition, even when the competition is used...

doug s.

ps - as yer odyssey dint work out, perhaps yude like to try the electrocompaniet aw100 i've been trying to sell? :>) can't tell ya the gain, but i'd tink electro wood be able to...

electro's are great-sounding amps, imo - i'm using two matched aw60's wertically bi-amped. hell, since i've not had much luck selling 'em, i'd even let ya try 'em, if ya wanna pick up the shipping tab...

Thanks for the offer. However, I am going to stick with my tube Amp. I really like the AES Superamp DJH. Yes, the Odysssey has better overall dynamics. But the DJH has a really seductive voicing thats addictive. Looks like I'll see if I can integrate a Subwoofer for the bottom octave.
i'm sorry sibelius, i misunderstood - i thought ewe were looking for another s/s amp. if yure gonna keep the odyssey for a subwoofer, as i said, i recommend vmps subs (two subs, regardless of the brand ewe finally choose), and a marchand xm-9 deluxe x-over.

good luck, doug s.