Have you "lied" to yourself?

It is time for the utmost honesty. How many of you have made a fairly costly upgrade/purchase and weren't able to hear any difference (even if you struggled, it wasn't very obvious), but convinced yourself the difference was there (to avoid feeling embarrassed/taken, or facing that you don't have "golden ears")?

There's no need to mention the brand/manufacturer, but do mention the type of component as it would be interesting to see whether this type of thing happens more often with preamps, amps, cables, or sources (I doubt it ever happens with speakers).

I'll start. I'm guilty of spending about $600 upgrading speaker my cables and couldn't hear much of a difference.
yes, i've *upgraded*, & heard no improvements. mostly w/interconnects. but, as i have yet to drop really big money on 'em, i really am not too upset about it. regarding component upgrades, as i usually buy used or close-out, no need to lie here, either - yust sell it & move on. at the end of last year, it took me 4 preamps to finally settle on the right one. sold the 1st three for yust about what i paid for 'em...

doug s.

OK, i had some NEAR M10 speakers that disappointed. I had been impressed by the 50s and expected better. Paid little and sold them even cheaper. I experienced little discomfort and was back on my feet in no time.
Felthove; as you've already discovered, you've asked a tricky question, and maybe expected predictable responses to it that you're not getting? I'm not trying to be confrontational here either-- just want to present my observations re your thread.

But the question still brings forth some valuable info, ie that audiophiles are intelligent and do not BS themselves. Almost all have admitted to making purchase mistakes, but they do something about it rather than lie to themselves and say it's "great". I have made purchases, even some large ones, where I have been disappointed in the music quality, but I don't keep the product, lie to myself and say it's good when it's not-- just because it cost a lot.

As others have said above, I try something and if it doesn't work out, I sell it and move on, afterall, that's what searching for the "ultimate" in recorded music quality/character (upgrading) is all about, no?. Cheers. Craig
Felthove, I recently bought another CA-400 amp and use it with my existing CA-400 as monoblocks-I was on power trip. Was thinking look at thoes big ass Monsters, a la Krell Monoblocks. Listened for two weeks imagining great improvement, but was missing my single amp sound. Power trip mad me lie to myself. I am using the extra amp for surrounds.