Starter System Suggestions

My godson has graduated from college, gotten his first job and moved into an apartment with friends. He has asked me to help him put together a starter system. His room is a fairly large rectangle and the system will go on the long wall but pushed down toward one end. His dad (my best bud) has always had a good hifi (which I have helped him with) so, fortunately or no, he knows what good sounds like. His budget is around $2K for an integrated (with digital inputs, DAC but no phono--a headphone amp would be a bonus) and speakers. He is thinking bookshelves but could go with small floorstanders if they were within his price range. He likes speakers with a wide dispersion pattern and a slightly warm presentation. I am interested in your suggestions for synergistic combinations that meet his needs in terms of functionality. I am going to encourage him to follow the thread and maybe contribute so please keep the suggestions flowing. Some brands I've suggested he explore:

Speakers: Proac Tablettes, Nola Boxers, Gershman Sonograms, ATCs, Harbeth

Electronics: Peachtree, NAD, Rotel, Bel Canto

I haven't heard most of these nor do I know how well they would work together so please weigh on the models above as well as additional suggestions.

Many thanks.
Rotel + B&W = great entry level system.

Go with Kimber for cabling

Get a used REGA dac for the computer stuff.
NAD!!!! Get the boy a nice NAD integrated and some monitors. It's the best way to start. Seriously, nothing beats NAD for the price. He'll never forget it when he moves on.
Emotiva for the power and DAC. Used Snell's for the speakers. If he can find a good set of E II's that have been refoamed with Audio Note surrounds, he will be impressed. Vandersteen 2 CE's are very nice also, but I've heard both and I really like the Snells. You can get them for about 300-400 done right, but they are somewhat difficult to find in very good condition.
Check out Music Direct EPOS EPIC 2 sale ($800 speaker for $400). Use with NAD 326BEE. Buy used dac and V_Link USB/SPDIF converter. Kimber or Audioquest cable. BUY all cable used. A 2K system is at a price point where one finds great return/$$.
I would buy a integrated w/o DAC and a separate DAC. DACs become outdated particularily the USB input.