Tube pre sspwramp vs sspre tubepwr

Most of people recommend tube pre to go with ss poweramp.
How about the other way around?(sound/money).Thanks
.......nope, the ARC 100.2 is a 100 wpc solid state amp-- check at Craig
Sc53: You're thinking of the VT100 mkII, which is a tube amp. As Garfish mentions, the 100.2 is its solid state counterpart.
Sorry, you're right! My mistake. I wonder if the SS 100.2 sounds as good or even similar to the VT100 Mk II or III?
I have the VT100 but have never heard the SS 100.2.
i presently am happy w/a toobed pre & s/s amps. i can't afford a toobed amp that gives no quarter to solid-state amps where solid-state excels. much as i like the air that toobs impart into a soundstage, it takes big bucks to get a toob amp w/the frequency extension, accuracy & drive that s/s amps have, & that, i can't do w/o.

likewise, i can't afford a solid-state preamp that gives no quarter to toob pre's, where *they* excel. plenty of toobed pre's that excel in areas where solid-state pre's excel - dynamics, frequency extension, accuracy - but few solid-state pre's that can give the air to a soundstage like a toobed pre, and it'll cost lotsa $$$...

ymmv, doug s.