Any Opinions about Innersound ESL amps?

I'm thinking of increasing the power to my Martin Logan CLSIIz's. I currently have a Marsh a400s and considering trying the Innersound ESL Amp or Innersound ESL monoblocks.
Any opinions would be appreciated.
Great to hear! Roger really turned those amps around for you fast,didn't he? Roger does cultivate customer loyalty, doesn't he?
WOW !!! Great to hear the results that you're getting and glad that you're happy. So far, it sounds like you're "sold" on those babies.

As to the difference between 330 wpc and 1200 wpc, i can believe that it would make a difference, especially with a reactive load such as E-stat's. However, i think it has more to do with the design of the amp / interface with the speakers more than anything.

I'm basing this on the fact that i was running my HT mains with a conservative 900 wpc ( 400+ from 200 Hz up and 500+ below that ) and then switched to a single amp that does 1200 wpc at that impedance. While 900+ wpc should have been plenty, i could still drive the amps into compression and it would get smeared at "volume". With the newer amp, the sound is effortless and NEVER sounds strained. Even at 117 db's at 10', the sound is completely clean. Due to the complete lack of grain and "smearing", it doesn't even sound "aggressive" at that level.

I would imagine that your situation resulted in similar findings. Since the amp is not being "pushed" nearly as much or run up into the "danger / protection" zone, it probably sounds far more open and relaxed with greater bass control / impact. While most folks would consider the 330 wpc that you were running to be "big power", they will never know the difference that BIG power makes in terms of ease, definition and control. Sean
I was informed that I spelled Roger's name wrong. In fact, it is Roger Sanders!!! Sorry!!!
Hbrandt: Sorry is not good enough. I just got off the phone with Roger and he will be stopping by this evening to pick up the amps. Better luck next time, it was good while it lasted.
dk: that one's a classic! just try to avoid run-on sentences and we'll let you keep your computer. -kelly