Anybody able to compare Athem AVM/Sunfire G III ?

I currently have AVP 2 and tired of all the problems,lack of component video switching,no tuner,no balaced for rear channels,and no SACD/DVD audio. Do I need to say more.I have a Ayre CD-7 and will bypass DACS of processor for 2 channel sound.Looking for surround processor that would do all of the above and have great surround sound imaging as well as upgradeable. I was wondering if anybody has compared Anthem AVM 20 and Sufire G III in sound. I realize both units would meet my needs but overall sound quality in analog bypass and surround sound is the last questionI need answered. I hear that the Sunfire sounds terric in home theatre.Does anyone have thoughts or experience with both pieces ?Thanks
Pr: Sounds like you did a good job of getting to know the two components via various cable and support component swapping. Obviously, the Anthem was the winner in your system. I don't doubt your results in the least. Sean
"The Carver sounds flat and lifeless"Are we talking about the Sunfire G III?Sorry to say but all do respect,the Sunfire everythig but flat and lifeless.I understand if you like the anthem so much but the class where you put the sunfire it does not exist in this case.They both good and your taste is gonna lead you on it's way.In this class it's very hard to say something like you said .Do not be mad at me but there are no such a big diferents between the BMW & the Mercedes also.It's your taste and your heart.
Oh,something else.You shold not use the Matrix reloaded to compare those processors.One of the worst sound since the dvd was create on this world.Compare it to the first one it's disapointing.I hope they gonna have the new wersion and they gonna fix it.Try something else.Lord of the rings, new edition.Almost perfect.
Sorry about my English,I'm still working on it.
Yes, I'm talking about the TGIII. I had it in my system for over a month. It was on loan from a local store while I was working out my differences with Sonic Frontiers. I watched at least a dozen movies through it and listened to at least 60-80 CD's. I really wanted the Sunfire to work because I was really pissed at Sonic Frontiers. I was changing cables, amps and moving speakers around to get it to work. I made many calls to Sunfire to get help. When I received my new AVM20 fro SF I wasn't even going to hook it up. I had decided to sell it on Agon and use the proceeds to maybe buy a Parasound, Krell showcase, Aragon or Rotel processor. A friend of mine convinced me to try it before selling it. As soon as I put it in the system I heard a big improvement. And, the unit was not even broken in yet. There was more information and a huge soundstage.

I've been in this hobby for about 25 years. My wife says that my hearing is so good that I can hear her think. I've recently had a hearing test (my wife needed to have one so while I was there....) and the DR. confirmed that my hearing is excellent. I just wanted to make it clear that I'm no ameture. I have a few friends that own High-end audio stores and I hang out at the stores too much.

YBA_US - have you had the chance to compare the AVM20 and SUnfire TGIII in your room? In my room, I think the AVM20 is a better sounding product. We are all intitled to our opinions. And, I did everything I could think of to make the comparision fair. I even invited a few friends over, and they agreed that the AVM20 sounded better.

PS-The sound stage is so big on the AVM20, that I liked to invite people over and have them listen to 2 channel audio. I get the same response everytime that we are listening to surround sound because they can here things behind them. Then I show them that the surround amps are switched of and the processor is in stereo. I love the look on their faces.
I have had the anthem(both) in my system and the sunfire II and 111......all were fine sounding units..i have a 7.1 system and was upgrading from a lexicon dc-1. The Anthem AVM won the home theater tests hands down..but the Sunfire TG111 was close..........I bought the TG111 cuz i liked the way it sounded with my redbook cd's and it's overall warm spacious sound. I have a Dynaudio system.