loose tubes

qustions on a tube int amp anthem int 1, if i take the tube up a bit from there sockets so there not sitting in all the way the sound becomes a heck of a lot better in every way , will this hurt anything cause it does sound that much better thank you
Thanks Kitch: I was thinking more on the lines of free or under $10 for enough material to do all of my tube sockets and also to isolate the four little "things" in a TDS Passive Audiophile from the chassis. My wife doesn't have any "cellulose" yet, so that's out.
Thanks Dekay for enlightening me. Makes sense actually, at my next tube rolling frenzy I must try it out.
In another vein, slightly lifting tubes changes the point of contact on the pins -- so, maybe better contact? You'll notice that the pins have small indentations at the point of contact with the base -- I used to sand the pins with very fine paper in order to clean the contact.
Did the same, Greg, never heard a difference, but continued to do so all the same at every tube roll...one never knows ..( perhaps I'm a compulsion neurotic after all )Cheers,
LOL, Detlof; I never noticed a difference either -- but I kept it up, religiously!!!

Am I neurotic?