Got a melody running around in your head?

I seem to always have my portable system, you know that soft gooey thing between your ears, running. There is a melody that will keep for a bit, and then I move on to something else. Right now, I hear that sweet little piano riff from the 3rd cut of Water's "Amused to Death." How about you?

That's the way
a-huh a-huh
I like it
a-huh a-huh

That's the way
a-huh a-huh
I like it
a-huh a-huh

Hey, You asked:~)
"On the Good Ship Lollipop", complete with tap dancing effects. It has been with me for the past forty plus years and I can only pray that it does not exist on the "other side".
Most people think
great god will come from the sky

take away everything
and make everybody feel high

but if you know what life is worth
you will look for yours on earth

and soon you'll see the light
to stand up for your rights

-Bob Marley
"Lucky and Unhappy" from Air's 10000 Hz Legend. And it was yesterday morning, i was listening in my car on a way to work...Simply Beautiful.
"is there gas in the car? yes there's gas in the car.. I think the people down the hall know who we are.."

"driving like a fool out to Hackensack, drinkin his dinner from a paper sack, he say 'I gotta see a joker and I'll be right back'"

"Any man left on the Rio Grande is the king of the world, as far as I know..

Did you grow up in the 70's? can you say Becker-Fagen?