Need Speaker Set Recommendations for Newbie

I have Spica TC50s/Kinergetics as my speakers for my home speaker set. Unfortunately, these just don't pack quite enough punch for my home system. They are great for music and vocals but get overloaded when aliens invade my living room.

Can someone point me to a link or other resource to help me find a speaker set that would be decent for a home theatre setup? I'm thinking in the $1000-$1500 range (if that is even enough). My receiver right now is a HK AV300. I like the receiver sound and its functions for my non-audiophile ears. It may be lacking a little power, though.

I'm a total newbie. I'm sure this has been asked many of times so maybe someone can point me to another thread that has some speaker recommendations.

Thanks for all and any help!

since this is a classic pairing of speaker/sub, i would think about a high quality integrated amp. $1500 spent on an amp with this spica/kinergetics combo would take you closer to nirvana than the hk with other speakers.
I keep reading how awesome the Spica / Kinergetics combo is, but maybe they aren't made to give the punch I'm looking for in a home theater? Seems like you should be able to crank the system up, though. The Kinergetics have four 10" woofers.

Do you have any recommendations on integrated amps?

How would the system be configured? Would I still use the HK for digital processing and the Kinergetics amp for the subs?

As you can tell, I'm very inexperienced with configurations! I appreciate your input.
I suspec a really good choice would be the Edgarhorn Slimline speakers. They too will require a subwoofer however. I am not at all into home theater, but I would think the clarity that a horn loudspeaker can provide would be welcome with regards to hearing hard to discern dialogue.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into the Edgarhorns. I'm not familiar with them.

Do you think the amp or the speakers are the problem? Would a better amp help?
i would audition NAD...i think you're gonna need at least 100+ watts per channel. if i'm not mistaken the HK is about 50 to 60 watts per channel...this is not enough power(or power reser) to drive the acoustic suspension design of the can be sure that the NAD would drive the combo with pwer to spare.....the quality of sound should be quite nice too.