Dish satelite vs Cable quality?

I am new to home theater and would appreciate any feedback.

Comparing video and audio quality between your local cable company to any dish satelite system, which of these do you feel is better? Also, please compare standard definition programing to any High Definition between the two.

In addition, what about the content in the selection of programs available, (cable vs dish).

Lastly, if the consensus is dish, which dish network would you recommend.

Thanks for your time.
I've had the chance to compare both HD cable and Dish network HD sat on my panasonic HD projector. On HD it is a toss up as far as video quality goes. On regular tv I would give the nod to Sat. I went with HD cable because the offer more HD channels. I'm located in the Atlantic CIty, NJ area.
I have some experience with both DirectTV and Dish. I prefer the on-screen programming of Dish, although their remotes don't last very long. I am waiting for the Dish 921.

For now I get my High Definition with a UHF antenna attached to my attic winsow sil. Great picture, enen on my High Definition projector.
I had cable for over 5 years, then the pricing sent me looking for something better. I now have a Dish 500 set up, with a receiver that receives dolby digital. I do not have HDTV so I cannot comment on it. As to the others, the dish kills the cable in every way. Sound, picture, and price. I'm watching on a 36 in television, so I have no idea how it would stack up larger ones.
both direct TV and dish network need only 1 single dish to receive the high definition programming. The direct TV high definition dish actually looks at 3 different satellites where the dish is only 2 satellites.
Face it, signal quality and program availability of HD on digital cable is going to depend upon your local provider and the signal you get in your house (how far are you from the headend, how much loss). Program availability of DirecTV/Echostar is pretty much a knowable quantity, but signal quality there will depend upon your view to the equator and how well your dish is set up. Direct comparisons seem a little difficult.

I ended ditching DirecTV for Comcast digital CATV in Virginia. For me, the +'s of CATV were:

- more HD programming content I liked
- better picture quality on standard def
- "on demand" programming
- single bill bundled w/internet service
- faster channel changing speed (no kidding, SAT is *slow* changing channels)

The only benefits of SAT were, in my mind, better DVR (TiVo) integration (but note, no HDTV box w/DVR capabilities). Cost for both was about the same.