Would you pay to rent my media/video room

Just curious, I have a 20x25' video room. 100" screen, sony hd projector, xbox ps2 gc sega and t1 access. black walls recessed lights and theater carpet and a big leather couch. Dont you think this would be a cool place and play some hi end games? Price point $50.00 hourly.That is only 12.50 / 4 people. You could even watch dvd's

btw there is also a m&k pro surround with 2 subs.

What about a smaller room with plasma tv and smaller surround setup for 20.00 hourly for 2 people max with nice surroundings.

Not a werid person, just thinking there are some really cool toys the regular guy cant afford to buy but darn sure could rent.

Get away from mom, wife,work,home,reality, just a neat place to go?

What are your ideas, pro and con

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Are you really willing to clean up that kind of mess? My creative mind is running wild right now and I wouldn't want to clean up THAT kind of mess if you catch my drift! I really don't think its a very good idea honestly- let's face it the average person doesn't really care and surely is not going to pay $50 an hour to watch a 3 hour movie. Hate to rain on your parade but its the second time you've asked this question and its still just as off the wall as it was last time.
You might have a hard time running something like that out of yer home.

For the most part, the only people who would want to pay 50 an hour for movies or music would be audiophiles, which is not a very big part of the consumer market, plus, they are probably spending all thier money on thier own gear.

Neat idea though. But i doubt you could pull it off for 50 bucks an hour. Maybe 20 an hour. Not that yer gear is bad, sounds like you have a sweet setup.

I just dont think there would be enough demand.
I can go to a movie for about $10.00 for two hours. I have friends with nice big HTs where I can go for free. No attraction for me, I guess I'm too cheap.

Remember people don't take care of things that don't belong to them. Have you ever rented a car, how did you drive it???