TV Recommendations

Posted this at AVS forum, but seems to be below them. Then posted it here without changed the default subject. OOPS.

Looking to set up a movie scan dvd and Rear projection wide screen TV. Been into audio for quite awhile, but I don't know jack about video.

Total Budget is $2500 (or less)

For DVD I'm fairly set on the Denon - DVM-2815, seems to have what I want. (coax digital out at least so I can send it to my DAC)

That leaves around $2000 for the TV.

Not interested in HD cable or over air HDTV, so I think that means I don't need certain resolutions and features.

Size: At least 40"

Only other issue is thinner is better, don't need a wall hanger but under 20" deep would be nice.

What should I be looking at?

What would you buy???

Even a link to a site that reviews TVs would be useful. Compared to Audio the video world is nuts (and that says something). Seems to me there are whole new model lines every two months.

Nik- I would recommend that you go for an HD model, if you don't, in a few years you will need a set top box cause all of the TV will be digital. HD RPTVs other than LCD and DLP should come in right about at your budget. Last time I looked, I saw a Mitsi RPTV, about 40 or 50" for about $1800. Course its not 20" deep, for that you will need DLP or LCD at about $2500-$3500.
I would get both a TV and a projector. Spend about 500 for a nice 27 or 32 inch direct view CRT, then spend the balance on a $1k digital projector, screen, and cables. Check out the sub-$3500 digital projector forum at AVS. I would do that and skip the RPTV. My $0.02.
For dvd's, a 16.9 screen is a must..that means Hi-Def is a must. If this is just going to be a dvd player and RPTV then it should be very easy for you. Pick a company that has a good service record for their products. After that, go to the usual suspects (circut city, best buy, ect) and pick a RPTV that fits the bill.

On the other hand, if your looking to setup a hometheater's a whole nother ball game. Sounds like your more interested in option number one and many RPTV's will work just fine. Try the web sit for user opinions on many RPTV's.

Go to to peruse reviews on both audio and video equipment. Type in the model # in the search and you're good to go.

I would get a used Denon DVD player with Progressive Scan (maybe the 2800 MK II) -- they almost all use the Silicon Image chip that usually puts them at the top of the list at dvd shootout.

Believe it or not, I went to a local Sears scratch and dent store and purchased a Hitachi 57 HDTV for $1500 (retail $3500) Perfect Vision rated it extremely high and I even called the PV reviewer to ask questions and he said he bought the same model.

I would definitely get a HDTV for the reasons mentioned above.

Best of luck