2 channel movie lstening;is it worth the sacrafice

I have an B&K avr202 and would like to improve stereo listen on a budget: selling my 202+$500. Do I get a 305/307 or do I get a good integrated amp or 2 channel seperates and watch movies in stereo.....
I always watch movies in stereo. I couldn't care less about home theater. My main focus is on two channel music. I prefer the sound of my stereo for movies over the sound of my tv speakers. Because of that, if I were you, I would be investing in an integrated amp.
I agree. I'm perfectly happy using my 2 channel system for movies. I don't think I'll ever feel the need to switch to a multiple speaker system.
I watch movies through my Jolida 1501 RC Hybrid Integrated and it sounds great,
however, I would like to connect my digital cable box to an integrated with a digital connection
-- I don't know if one exists? --- so I could listen to the digital music channels in digital.
After being solely dedicated to 2-channel listening for nearly 20 years, I started an HT system with components I had kept from my audio system.

I realize that many people do not have the luxury to set up a system in on room for music and another for movies. But in the context of many homes with a TV/Movie setup in a family room setting and a basement room to set up a dedicated music system, it can be wonderful. And I must admit that it is very nice to have surround sound for so many movies.

Yes, it does make a huge difference with a lot of movies with special effects. For other movies where this is not the case, I would agree with the above posts.

Ultimately if I only had one room for all this, I would focus my attention and resources to the front 2 channels and start with a budget amp and speakers for the surround.