First pre/pro and hopefully last

I am about to get my first pre/pro and hopefully it will last a long time. It will also serve as a 2 channel preamp. Looking at:
1. CLASSE SSP75, but I think it has been discontinued. why?
Any opinions on these or others? Speakers will be Heron i's, and amps are yet to be decided, see thread under amps for that question, Bel Canto vs. Classe. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
I am somewhat in the same market. My current pre/pro is a Rotel RSP-1066, which is quite nice in its price range. But, now that the rest of my system is shaping up nicely (Thiel speakers and Theta amps), it has become one of my weak links. My top contenders are the Krell HTS 7.1 or the Theta pres (Casa Nova or CasablancaIII), although Sim Moon Audio, and EAD are probably also on my short list. I would consider Classe' and Bryston as well. However, my thoughts are that if I go for a no holds barred, final word pre/pro, I am really looking at the HTS 7.l or the CasablancaIII. But, if I want to focus on getting awesome 2-channel (which I do), and I can live with 5.1 (which I definitely can) and no multi-channel input (which I am not sure if I can live without), you can pick up a great deal on a Casa Nova right now.

The Sunfire Theatergrand IV is another pre-pro you may want to give a listen to. I've owned my Theatergrand II for a long while and love it's sound..I have had not one problem with this component. It also makes a very good DAC when used with a transport for redbook cd's. If you give one a listen, make sure they use it's balanced outs as this takes it's sound level up a good bit.

I heard the sunfire Theater Grand III got the reviewers choice award from Home & Theater in 2003. I will have to look into Sunfire. I listened to the Arcam AV8, and it sounded very nice in 2 channel. Classe on there web page discontinued the ssp75, so I don't know if I will persue Classe in the pre/pro area. Ken have you heard anything about that? Ead is suppose to have a nice sound, but someone told me if you lose the remote you are unable to control the machine using the face plate. Is that true??? Anyway how often do you lose a remote. I search is on!!!!
Having heard a many of the pre/pros mentioned above, i just wanted to state that they don't all sound the same. The higher priced models tend to have far fewer features, and MUCH better sound quality.

The best sound coming from the Theta, Krell, Classe, and Meridian models. I've found that none of these pre/pro's sound as good as a real high quality two channel pre-amp. I run my Meridian pre/pro through my two channel pre-amp.

With any pre/pro, be sure to understand how the analog inputs are handled. Some high end pre/pro's do not provide an analog pass thru.