Audiophiles and music lovers

I know you can be a music lover and not be an audiophile. Most music lovers are not audiophiles. The question is can you be an audiophile and not be a music lover?
I think you can.

I believe that there are some who like to listen for specific nuances within the music and dissect the "sound" (ie. bass response, high frequency extension, midrange, timbre, soundstage etc.) of every piece of music they buy. I also feel that they may tend to buy music that has "Reference or Audiophile approved" brag factor status. They may still listen for enjoyment but they may be enjoying a different part of the "sound of music" instead of the emotional/soul stirring aspects that many music lovers enjoy and get swept up in during listening sessions.

I do think that the former is important, once your system is set up the focus should go back to the music and not the technical aspects of your gear.

Do you get what I am saying???

Sometimes getting a point across is difficult on the Internet. I may expand on this later if need be.
The same can be said for other hobbies like, say, photography. There are people who can master a darkroom, manually set the exposure and speed and ISO setting perfectly, read a light meter and anticipate a shot but aren't good at taking a picture: they don't have the "eye" for it. They can't compose the shot.

Once a music system is properly set up to an audiophiles standard, they can listen and enjoy if they have the "ear" for it. It can be a wonderful set up but depending on who is listening, one can enjoy while another will dissect and analyze still further, losing sight of the music for the details.

I've been to enough (but not many) listening sessions with others at shows and exhibits to notice how many simply don't listen, but analyze, squirm in their seats, try to be polite while waiting for their CD to play and still not listen. It's like being in a room full of kids who don't want to be there. Short attention spans or ADHD. Who can say?

In that crowd I couldn't help but notice those who did listen, and they noticed me as well. It was like we were in a different room than the others: some eye contact and lots being said without saying a thing. The music and equipment seemed to be just a focus for others to group around. They didn't seem all that serious about the listening.

Boy, this hit a vein.

I think that's part of what separates most of us here in audiophile land, which is why this question comes up so often. Some of us get it and can't quite understand why others don't.

All the best,

I've been to enough (but not many) listening sessions with others at shows and exhibits to notice how many simply don't listen, but analyze, squirm in their seats, try to be polite while waiting for their CD to play and still not listen.

The reaction you observe could be from discomfort on the part of the other listener. I pride myself on courtesy but there have been times when a system was so awful I had to leave the room.

I do understand your point and sometimes I get visitors here in my home and they begin talking when they walk in the door and are still talking when they leave.

You're dead accurate when you point out differences among audiophiles.