Recommendations for Composite Video Cable?

It's a two-part question:

In my decidedly middling HT set-up, will I benefit from upgrading the composite video connections (from digital cable box to TiVo to TV, and from DVD player to TV)? My TV does not accept component or S-video.

If yes, which brands and models of composite video cables do people like?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Up yours, pal. I searched the archives quite thoroughly and found little if anything. I chose to post this in HT rather than Cables. Sue me.
I don't know if it will make much of a differance. Transparent, Monster and others make these. I own Transparent on my component video connects and it makes a HUGE difference. Sorry I can't be more help.
Tributary is one ;Cardas, Synegitc Research, and Analysis are others. I also think a Monster (the 2500) conditioner will help and you can use that now,and with your next tv;when the time comes . I hope my response is in the correct format/forum. I'll hear from foxtrot if it ain't. Hey, do they foxtrot here?? I didn't know that. On a new today question you get an ans. now. --I can't see it makes that much dif. I thing many questions have overlapping properties. Buy,hey I don't run things here,and mom taught me to be nice;cause she knew I'd be wrong---a lot.
I have got custom composite cables made by Zu cable. They are basically a single strand from their well regarded component video cables. Call them & ask about it.
Yes things like cables and Power Conditioning {like an ultimate outlet } can improve picture quality, however if your televison will not accept even S Video, I honestly would not , at this point, sink money into cables or Power Conditioners, but rather, save up you money for a new television .