Recommendations for Composite Video Cable?

It's a two-part question:

In my decidedly middling HT set-up, will I benefit from upgrading the composite video connections (from digital cable box to TiVo to TV, and from DVD player to TV)? My TV does not accept component or S-video.

If yes, which brands and models of composite video cables do people like?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Thanks everybody. Consensus seems to be that I need a new monitor so that I can move to S-video or component. I have a late-80's 27" Proton TV, which refuses to die and, actually, I really like its picture. My wife seems intent on us getting a plasma or LCD flat screen but it's not in the budget right now. I, on the other hand, think we should get a widescreen CRT since we don't need a big screen in our small TV room anyway. Maybe I'll start lobbying. But I suspect we'll stand pat for a while longer.

On a 1-10 scale, with 10 being the best quality and 1 the poorest, where would you place composite, component and S-video?
A few weeks ago, I bought a Philips 963 DVD player from Tweeter ($288 and they paid the shipping). So, what to do with the old JVC? No S connector, much less component video, on the 19" Daewoo in the bedroom. Booked on down to Walmart yesterday and bought a 27" flat screen Sanyo for $277. Now the old JVC hooks up to the component video inputs of the Sanyo and I decided to move the S-VHS VCR to the bedroom also. Who wants to watch tape on a hi def monitor in the living room anyway? As for the picture on the Sanyo...dunno. No one here to help me carry it in, so it's still in the back of the truck. I've seen other Sanyos though and the picture was always great.
DRUBIN; it's very important that whatever cable you get have very good shielding otherwise you'll get a fair bit of interference with it. If there's a reputable dealer near you I suggest you try a few different ones and see which works and that you like best.
Homer J


I was only trying to be helpful, and my mom also taught me to say thanks when someone tried to help me.
