People with Plamsa TV's....mounting A/V Components

I just bought a new plasma tv and have it mounted very nicely on the wall. My question is for the people with plasmas as well, what did you do with your audio and video components? I want to mount those on a rack(s) on the wall as well, but i'm having a hell of a time finding anyone who sells these units. I've ruled out using a small component shelf that sits on the ground because first, it takes away from the novelty of having your tv on the wall, and also, most won't fit every component I have. Lastly, it won't hide the wires from the TV for the dvi or power connections. With a wall mount, I could hide the wires behind the anchors that screw into my wall studs. Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.
Run the wires in the wall down to a normal a/v rack. If you want to keep the area under the plasma clear, put the e/q in another location, such as a closet, another room, etc, and install an IR repeater system. You can pick a complete IR system up for under $125.00.

I built a cabinet into a wall on the side of my room so that the area between the speakers was clear of any sonic obstacles. It did wonders for the soundstage.

Good luck,
I agree with remotely locating the equipment, it's far sexier to have a plasma on the wall and run the power and component video wires thru the walls/ceiling into a closet nearby, or a media cabinet where you can have the pre/pro, amp, dvd-p, dvhs etc hidden... certainly a lot sexier than having a ton of equipment below the TV (as much as I don't mind having my jolida glowing away in front of me in my 2ch rig, i'm really getting irritated lately having tons of LEDs and FL displays under my plasma in my HT setup, it's distracting).
I agree that the sexiest and sleekest look is for your components to be hidden away in a nearby closet. However, that introduces complexities like longer cables (perhaps very long depending upon the distance) which can be especially daunting if the plasma has all A/V connectionas on the display as opposed to an accompanying A/V box, having to run IR repeaters, not being able to see front panel displays for devices that don't have outputs to a display device, etc. So, this may not be a great option for everyone.

If you have quite a few components currently and think you may add more, you could go with an enclosed rack to sit under your plasma. The plasma would still be mounted and it's connections run through the walls, but the connections would run into the back of the enclosed rack, so they are never seen. It's a different look than having the components sit exposed on a rack. Personally, I think it's a much cleaner look.

Some companies make enclosed racks that are wider than they are tall. This look makes them more visually pleasing than a narrow, vertical rack underneath your plasma. You could also go with a vertical rack offset from the plasma, like maybe in a corner so that the plasma is hung all by itself in a given section of wall.

I have wide enclosed rack setup underneath my plasma using a Salamander Synergy Triple 30. The unit is a one-piece design that has 3 side-by-side sections ~30" high. It's good looking and certainly fits its purpose. Here's a link:

My wife and I have even put pictures on top of the unit so that it looks less like an equipment component and more like regulare furniture. They also offer a Triple 20, a Twin 20, Twin 30 and Twin 40.

Hope this gives you an alternative to consider.