What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Have become interested in "modern classical" or, elsewhere, "modern composition". There are various manifestations but the form I'm enjoying most right now blends elements of contemporary classical for small ensembles (strings, reeds, some percussion) with "electronics"...synth and/or studio effects. That's my best effort at a description but listening is the best way to understand. To that end, over the last several evenings...on CD as well as from Spotify:
1) Field Rotation (aka Christoph Berg) - Acoustic Tales
2) Bersarin Quartett - their first
3) Aaron Martin/Christoph Berg - Day Has Ended
3) Jacaszek - Glimmer

Given your interest in "modern classical", here are a few recommendations to try. You may find something to your liking.

II - Bersarin Quartet (followup to their first recording)
Digressions - Greg Haines
Until The Point Of Hushed Support - Greg Haines
Coins & Crosses - Ryan Teague
Field Drawings - Ryan Teague
The License To Interpret Dreams - Antonymes
A Winged Victory For The Sullen - A Winged Victory For The Sullen
Eager To Tear Apart The Stars - Leyland Kirby
In 8 Movements - Black Swan

With the exception of the Leyland Kirby piece, which is on Bandcamp, all of the above can be found on Spotify.
Rbrowne -
Thank you very kindly. I'll certainly be following up on those names and titles. Have heard of "Winged Victory" before as there is a connection to Stars of the Lid. Haven't listened to any of Winged V., however. I did previously listen to the 2nd Bersarin recording and ordered it.. "Ii" is on it's way. Again, "Thanks". Hopefully some of the titles and musicians I listed will be new and of interest to you.

BTW - Tried to start a new thread last night but it didn't go through...might have been operator error on my part. I'll try again. I'd wanted to make others aware of a very good website devoted to "instrumental and experimental" music. It's not a music listening site like Spotify or LastFM. Instead, they have many reviews posted on music releases under 7 different categories including: Ambient; Drone; Electronic; Experimental; Field Recordings & Soundscapes; as well as "Modern Composition". The name of the site is "A Closer Listen - A Home for Instrumental and Experimental Music".

Link here: http://acloserlisten.com.

Well worth a visit. If something is intriguing, you can track it down for a listen on Spotify or elsewhere. Ordered Jacaszek's "Glimmer" as a result of this process.