(apologize if this is repetitive; I didn't take time to read all the responses. I'm hoping my thoughts are original to the discussion)
I have a phenomenal screen in my HT called the DIY 100. That's the horribly clever name I gave to my self-made 100" screen. Took the directions off the internet. Cost was right at $100 and NO ONE who's visited has the slightest clue it's homemade. In fact, one friend of mine paid good bucks for a prefab Stewart screen and the screen isn't perfectly tensioned. Doing it yourself, you can make sure it's right.
60" seems to be about the breaking point for tv vs. projection in terms of size. If finances are a critical issue, you can get more bang for your buck in projection by making your own screen.
I did the 100" setup along with a Panasonic PT-L300U (watch out, I found out too late it's not compatible with DVI encryption) for $1300. So, with projector, mount, cables, and screen, cost was at $2,000. Super economical.
If one of your highest prioreties is low cost, this is a great way to go.
(apologize if this is repetitive; I didn't take time to read all the responses. I'm hoping my thoughts are original to the discussion)
I have a phenomenal screen in my HT called the DIY 100. That's the horribly clever name I gave to my self-made 100" screen. Took the directions off the internet. Cost was right at $100 and NO ONE who's visited has the slightest clue it's homemade. In fact, one friend of mine paid good bucks for a prefab Stewart screen and the screen isn't perfectly tensioned. Doing it yourself, you can make sure it's right.
60" seems to be about the breaking point for tv vs. projection in terms of size. If finances are a critical issue, you can get more bang for your buck in projection by making your own screen.
I did the 100" setup along with a Panasonic PT-L300U (watch out, I found out too late it's not compatible with DVI encryption) for $1300. So, with projector, mount, cables, and screen, cost was at $2,000. Super economical.
If one of your highest prioreties is low cost, this is a great way to go.