Projector with very low noise fan

Can anyone recommend a projector with a low noise fan that can be bought for under 3k new or used. The projector will be placed above the headboard in the master bedroom and I don't want to listen to it instead of the soundtrack.
I just bought and installed a "hush box " that fits over the projector and cuts almost all the noise. Two intake and one exhaust fans circulate the air inside so unit doesnt overheat. Dave Beaty at makes them . Mine is white acrylic and is gorgeous and very quiet. The transparent glass he uses keeps image perfect. What I am saying is get a good projector and a hushbox and have the best of both worlds.
DWIN made this fanless CRT projector the HD-700. Maybe you could find a used one at a good price?
Out of budget but my Sim2 is inches from my head and is dead silent to me. Before the Sim, I had a Sanyo plv70 and the nieghbors would complain when the fan speed would change to hi.-----So,yes, they differ.