DTS vs Dolby Digital?

Is one clearly better then the other, more dynamic? clearer? or faster? opinions please...thanks Chad
The biggest difference that I find between the two is that often times, when there is information coming from the surround speakers in DD, I can point to their location without looking. With DTS it seems like I have more speakers as the sound is more enveloping.
Is DD more common that DTS? I'm just rebiulding my HT and have joinned Netflix and I have noticed that all DVDs so far have been DD. I would if they carry DTS versions as well.
I dunno if netflix uses some kind of cheaper way to clone discs to keep cost down, so maybe thats why you havent noticed DTS...but look closely at DVD label you might see one.
Dolby Digital is REQUIRED by the DVD-V format, while DTS is strictly optional. I think Universal uses it more often than other studios. Also, DTS is used only when the original audio material is in at least 5 channels; you'll never see DTS used on a DVD with, for instance, only a 3-channel Dolby Surround track.

I expect Netflix issues the same original discs that we can buy or rent; they just don't pay attention to whether a disc includes a DTS track. Simply cycle thru the Audio options when the movie starts to see if DTS is there.

I agree with Flemingjrd--DTS sounds better.