
OK, My uncle just gave me a old Citation 5.0 Pre-amp and an Lexicon LX-5 amp,
My delima is finding a floor stand speaker for under 500 to compliment my decent pream and amp.
What kind of speaker should I get?

I already have subwoofer, center and backs, but now need fronts.
What should I do?
Any help will do..
geez Jax2,i guess youve never misspelled anything before!what are you an english teacher?
Classic95--it serves him right..He who lives by the spelling rules dies by them too.
Uh... what're you using for that center speaker? Just going by everything you can read here & elsewhere, getting the best match between the center & your soon-to-be new mains is kinda important. If there's a natural match from that manufacturer then you'll likely get the best timbre matching, etc. from going that route.

And get floor-standers, but only if that's the right solution for your room. Otherwise, get bookshelf speakers (sorry, Rives - couldn't resist!). Figure out what your room needs (is it a small den or a big barn?) and that will help guide which way to go.
I agree with Mr hosehead. I've tried several monitors and keep going back to floorstanders. The floorstander don't take up any more room than monitors on stands. They also don't cost more after you pay for the stands. Synergy with other speakers is also important. Good luck.