Most overpriced audio component made

Are all audio components overpriced? It seems when I try to trade in a used piece that I paid 2000 for and I'm offered 175, I wonder if I paid too much in the first place.
It is correct that the markup on electronics is not very high(10 - 25%). However, speakers are 100%. By that I mean a speaker that listed for $2500, a dealer bought for about half of that. Can't comment on the markup on cables as I don't know. While I see cables as being very important, I have to say they are without question the biggest ripoff in audio. How much does it cost to make a $1000, 1 meter interconnect? In many cases, no more than Radio Shack sells(NOT pays for) their 1 meter junk. 22 gauge, teflon insulated, 5 - 9's copper can be bought RETAIL(i.e., by us poor slobs) for 28 cents per foot. With wire, you are paying for advertising, etc., but most of all because you are WILLING to.
ICs, speaker cable, power cords head the list, but take a closer look at speakers and hardware. Much of the cost of many speakers is in cabinetry (particularly book-matched veneers) and custrom metal work on amps and preamps. It's all part of the marketing game. And we're all fair game. Then, of course, there's the tweak market, which is a ripoff of a higher order. Substitute yo-yos for mpingo discs, bricks and bicycle inner tubes for the other crap, and an assortment of o-rings, grommets and pointed objects from Lowe's for most of the point and puck sets and you've saved a bunch. Isn't it amazing what we'll allow ourselves to be suked into in this hobby? Good listening to all!
Great points, Gino!!! Tweaks are the ultimate ripoff! Veneer doesn't have to be so perfectly matched to look great. And Sam Tellig used to always write that some high end manufacturers told him that 40% of the cost of their amp was in the fancy faceplate that was required for their products to "look" the part. I also remember when I looked at equiment racks. Don't remember the exact brand(Target or that ilk). When I looked at the shelves, I was in disbelief! It was a long time ago, but I kind of think they were 3/8"(or possibly 1/2"). C'mon, why not just use the easy to find 3/4" or 1" particle board used in speaker cabinets? Anyway, I use some furniture(like a nightstand with a 2" top, and thick solid oak construction) I had laying around the house. Maybe shouldn't be saying this here(someday somebody will get an idea from this junk, and sell it for $1000+).
BRIAN AT GENESIS: what i said was the dealer gave me a pair of interconnects at 60%off list price and he still made money. So if he still made money at 60% off, it doesn't take a rocket scientist, to figure out that theres more profit than 60%.I suppose you'd pay $2000.00 for cables?
I do not wish to offend anyone, and i have just recently gotten back into buying audio gear after a 20 year absence.what i go for is the sound and not the pestige of owning overpriced equiptment.I have about 10,000 invested in my system. my dealer gave me about 100 feet of bi-wire speaker wire. It's not the big name brands and infact some of you might just call it fancy lamp shade copper wire. I asked my dealer if i should go ahead an upgrade my speaker cables. i was going to spend several hundred dollars. I asked him if there would be a noticable difference to invest some more money to upgrade. He told me NO! and to save your money. Now he has about 15 or more years in the audio business.So who do believe? There is alot of views, and all of them always seem to be different.If these people would lower their prices so everyone could afford to enjoy what they say is truly high end gear than everyone would be happy and we could tell for ourselves whats what. And they could easily make money if they did that.You'd be selling on volume instead of making a killing on the one big sale that you made.Do these manufactures really want everyone to enjoy their products, or do they just want to say it's the best,and put a 3000.00 price tag on it.AND THATS! JUST FOR THE PRE-AMP!COME ON......and mr. say theres not that much profit. my speakers listed for 1200.00 i know this cause i checked the co's web site my dealer sold them to me for 900.00. several months later i found them on the internet for $599.00.brand new. END of story.