$2500 in speaker Questions

I am looking to purchase a pair of sreakers for my new system. I am running Sunfire's Theater/Cinema Grand combonation. Now I know the three speakers I am requesting feedback about are very different but I'm looking for opinions of anyone that has had experience with more than one of the three comparitavely. My three choices are Martin Logan's SL3, Kef's Reference model 3, and PSB Stratus Gold. I love the sound of the Martin Logan's but the reports I have read complain about positioning and room shape and size. I heard the Kef's and fell in love but again my room is only about 12x15 w/ 10 ft ceilings. Where I can place the speaker is very limited because of where the door and Fireplace are situated. Someone recommended the PSB's to save some money. I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet. Are they comparable, or would the money I spent on the Sunfire equipment be wasted on them? Thanks in advance for your input.
If you're up to the "quest" (pun intended), go with the SL3s. But you must understand that they aren't drop-and-play speakers. You will spend dollars and lots of time getting them right. Tilt, toe-in, positioning can drive you crazy. Of course, you'll need to find other equipment to compliment the speakers. However, the musical rewards are the goal. Don't take this as a knock against the KEF. Though I currently own dynamic speakers, I lived happily with ESLs for 15 years. If you do decide to go dynamic, also check out the Coincident Eclipse. Goodluck.
JCTubes by "find other equipment" are you saying that the sunfire equipment is a poor match for ESL's or did you mean something else?
I listened and liked all three speakers you listed. The PSB Goldi sounded great to my ears and would warrent aleast the time to listen. Sorry to muddy the water, but I would also suggest you listen to the Hales Rev3, Hales Rev2 and PSB Silveri. I bought the Rev3(front) and Rev2(back); they sounded the best to me. Due to your room considerations the Silveri and the Rev2 might fit your needs better. They both give up a few bass notes to the larger units, but no sound quality. Martin Logan's are neat, but large. Sorry Kef. I'm sure you can find some use for the savings from the M/L's; like maybe a small powerful sub. Happy listening. LR
I live with model 3-2 for mains and 5 x model 1 for surround. I absolutely love them and don't believe you'll find anything better. Try stephanie at onecall.com for great price.