The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
while i never new the religious background of those who make soundlabs, more on an audio topic, i found it fascinating to learn that the founder of the company is in fact, deaf... strange profession for a deaf person. i couldn't help but tink of ludwig van...
Sedond, You are correct about Roger being nearly deaf. He was not born that way, but rather lost his hearing recently due to medical reasons. His US patents go back for 25 years and more, and the Soundlab speaker is now 21 years old. Obviously the design, and required listening was done many years ago, when he had normal hearing.
Mr Porter
You allways amaze my with your knowledge not only about equipment but also about the Hi Fi community .The way you handle your posts is an example to be followed.
yes, al, one of the audio rags did an article about him & his company a while back. which is why it reminded me knida of ludwig van - he kept at it, even after he lost his hearing.

regards, doug

ps - i agree w/sol - yure a class-act.