Best Speakers for small room under $3.5k

I have a small room (about 10 feet by 18feet), and want to optimize my listening environment. Speakers may be the next upgrade, but not sure what to get. My current system is Bel Canto Dac 1 & Arcam 7 as transport (also use DV525 as transport sometimes), Bryston 3b-st amp, Bryston BP20 Preamp, B&W Nautilus 805 speakers, PS300 powerplant. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on good speakers that will match my room - they could be monitors or floorstanders with a relatively small footprint. Thanks!
Outlier: Not to nag, but also you will want to make certain that your source is well isolated. I prefer the Vibrapods under an MDF base as apposed to cones in our current placement. But will soon have to move the components (that are blocking a heat vent) to another piece of furniture and location, so this may change. The difference this made was jaw dropping. I prefer the Homegrown Super Silver interconnects, my wife likes the Harmonic Tech. Truthlinks, this is just to say that cable is difficult to recommend. I just added $2 worth of felt material around the tweeters on our speakers (not an option and not necessary on your speakers) and what a difference in the HF. I can now listen to "The London Howlin' Wolf Sessions" without gritting my teeth. Once I have achieved the maximum sound in our setup, I will probably move on to new speakers, but in the meantime the process of doing so has become a challenge that is kind of fun in a way. One more note - I find it necessary to hedge the speaker placement when I switch cables in order to re-balance the sound. I have a set of written speaker coordinates for each set of cables. My wife has gotten used to the pencil marks on the walls and my use of the T square and protracter. Though I am certain that she thinks that I am nuts.
Reference 3 A MM de Capos- see review on Soundstage. Also where you can purchase.
Thanks everyone for more great advice. Yes, I think I'll upgrade my interconnect cable for starters, and maybe get a couple of new powercords for the amps. I already have a PS Audio 300, so am hopeful that my power is pretty clean. I will think about upgrading the preamp soon - I'm definately lured by the thougth of trying some tubes - I'll keep my eyes open for something good on audiogon (perhaps a BAT or Conrad Johnson). However, the Bryston BP-20has served me very well - I upgraded from a preamp section of an Arcam 7 integrated amp and the difference was astounding (I was laughing out loud at the dramatic improvement). I guess that's what happens when one addresses the weak link in one's system. Cheers.
Outlier, I didn't mean buy some new interconnect. Just put the KCAG where the PBJ is now, and vice versa. It's a free switch. Just to see if it makes an improvement. If you find yourself craving some more warmth after that, then see if a dealer will lend you some copper interconnects. Maybe Tara Labs or Cardas. Perhaps you can get a fair distance without buying a new preamp. If not, look into a Conrad Johnson product if you feel like you want a lot of warmth. Try before you buy if possible, some people feel they have lost some detail, and end up unhappy. But for us tube lovers...
Outlier, try this, it will cost you nothing and is very revealing of what you really need. Don't listen to your system for 1 to 2 weeks. During this "no system" time try to listen to as much music as possbible (in the car, table radio, TV, etc.) Finally, on the day that you break down and can't go without the high-end audio fix any longer, spend an hour or so cleaning every audio connection, dress and isolate every power cord and interconnect, use a tape measure and perfectly align the speakers and then put your favorite piece of music on. Your system should sound "absolutely amazing". If not, then you need to make major changes -- a cable here and there won't cut it. You could easily spend two to three times what your present system is worth to truly improve the sound quality. If you're not prepared for such a wholesale change, then accept your fate, your system sounds really good and you are going to have to live with it. Life can be so cruel.