best all around monitor

regardless of price, musical tastes, room restrictions, ss., or tubes, what is the best sounding reference monitors?
I have used the merlin vsm se's the sonus faber electa amator 1's and am now listening to the JM Reynaud Offrandes. All really nice (I use quality tube gear ) The JM Reynauds are my favorite in my system. They are extremly musical and do what I think a great speaker should. They are priced reasonably for there quality at $4100/pr. They therefore get my vote.
The nOrh Marble 9 ($3000.00) followed closely by the Marble 7 ($2000.00). TNT Audio reviewed and called the Marble 9 the finest 2-way on the planet.
Try the Voce Divina q.Millenio Soprano. ( Beautiful finish and sound. Focal titanium tweeter, scanspeak woofer. Great soundstaging, pace and detail.
The best? Try the Harbeth Monitor 40. I believe this is considered to be one of the best monitors available in the world at any price. Truth of timbre, neutral, and most importantly musical. I only wished I could afford to own them myself. I went with the Epos which was the best I could find for 1100.00. Now discountinued and replaced with what's supposed to be an identical version, but includes shielding for use in Audio/video systems, and the cabinets are now sourced oversees for a savings cost of about $300.00. Good listening and good luck!