Top three most over underrated eqpmt??

Throughout my 17 and some odd years of being into this hobby, I've had numerous equipment with some being so so, some being great, and the rest being bad....Just curious to find out what other people's experiences are with changing from one component to another...Well, for me here are the list for my top 3 most overrated equipment: SimAudio W4070 amplifier, Aragon 47K preamplifier, a tie with Kimber PBJ interconnects and Linn Majik integrated top 3 most underrated equipment: Chiro C-200 amplifier, Roksan Caspian integrated amplifier, Straight Wire Chorus interconnects....comments anyone???
Top 3 most of overrate components: 1.)Any expensive line stage, either tube or solid state (but esp.solid state)... We don't NEED no stinkin' line stages! (See underrated components below). (2)Krell amps...I'm sure they can be stunning in the right system-I just haven't heard that system yet. (3.)Martin Logan speakers...despite their transparency, they just plain don't sound natural, somehow.
Once again, maybe in the right system, I just haven't heard that system.
Three most underrated components. (1.)FT Audio LW-1 passive preamp. This little wonder gets around the usual limitations of passive pre's, and smokes a lot of kilobuck line stages, for $500.00. (2.)Magnepan MMG's. Though already spoken pretty highly of, these things are an insanely great pr. of speakers for $500.00. No doubt they rule that price range. As a matter of fact, I've yet to hear a monkey coffin (box speaker) that I like better, in my room. Those who've had equivocal experiences with them probably had midfi HT receivers of them upstream-these things WILL reveal to you flaws in your source components. Plus they're demanding as to room placement, but well worth the work. (3.)Anything that says "Music Reference" on it. Designer Paul Modjeski is probably one of the brightest ones out there-his equipment makes music, doesn't cost a lot for what you get, and it doesn't break.
I don't have a lot to say have overrated components, but for me the most underrated are the Meitner PA-6i preamp and the Meitner MTR-101 monoblocs. I've heard a variety of hyper-expensive amps and preamps (Levinson, Krell, Rowland, Classe, etc.) that don't sound any better, just cost a lot more. I'd also add the Tannoy System 12 and 15 DMT studio monitors. Only sold in pro audio shops, but the best home speakers I've heard for anywhere near the money.
Over-rated: Wilson WATT/Puppies. Throughout most of their
frequency range, a pair of Magnepan 1.6QR's will positively
embarrass the Wilsons.