absolute best component you ever owned

I am sure we all have a truely favorite component, be it speakers, amp, TT, listening chair, etc. What are your favorites?
my vpi hp-17f record cleaner is the only "component" i've had in my system for more that 10 years. since i've no plans to replace it, i guess it may be the best. my second choice is my pair of avalon eidolon speakers. not only do they reproduce music wonderfully but they are drop-dead gorgeous in their skins of myrtle burl.
TacT 2.0 Room Correction System. It wasn't the Marantz SA-1
(although that is a close 2nd). It wasn't the PS-300 (admittedly a significant improvement) or even the Magnepan 3.6R speakers which I love to listen to. The TacT made the rest of my system play music that sounds like live music. What more could you ask for?
Infinity RS-1's with proper frontend. I just bought another pair this weekend. I had these several years ago and sold them off. MISTAKE! Although 15+ years old now, this will compare to most $25,000-$35,000 speakers of today if you set 'em up with the right stuff. Although I have a complete 2 channel system in another room, I'm going to attempt to make these RS1's my mains on HT, with an eye towards the best two-channel reproduction as well.

Listening to these today just feels like coming home!

......it's a toss-up between my McCormack DNA-2DX amp and Levinson 360S DAC. These are each incredibly musical pieces of equipment, and along with a Levinson 37 Transport, are going to be permanent pieces in my system. Craig.
craig: i might make book on the last clause of your post. permanent? cmon', you're gonna replace all your stuff eventually, unless you lose your interest, your livelihood or your heartbeat. you're an audiophile! (and i mean that in a nicest possible way.) ;~) -kelly