Best all Canadian system

With the loony sinking to new lows, my concerns are bang for the buck (bang for the loony? sounds weird...) and not some great sense of national pride (although I have some of that too, but it doesn't really apply to audio equipment now does it?) and uncompromised (well almost...) sound quality.

The names that come readily to mind are, obviously, Bryston, Classé, PSB, Mirage, Energy, Totem, (and, less readily it seems, that other Québec speaker company putting out astronomically priced speakers, I forget), Oracle (if you insist on vinyl) and the list probably goes on, somewhat. The idea being to assemble something that sounds good as a whole (trying to avoid the over-used "synergy", oh well, there, I said it) . I am quite sure that for certain items (CD players) the choice will be limited and for others (cartridges, who needs them?) non-existent. What are your thoughts? And by the way, for our U.S. neighbours the exercise may be worth it also, since the prices of any of the above are more than competitive stateside. Thanks.
Coincident Total Eclipse
Wyetech Topaz amps
Wyetech Opal pre
Oracle TT
Sim Audio Eclipse cdp
What about MIRAGE OM speakers ?

i think that mirage is one ofthe best bang/buck speakers u can buy when u are talking about the unpowere OM at 1200$CADfor a pair of OM-10 and 1500$ for OM-9
that's kinda cheap for the sound

they make also hot bipolar sub BPS series ..the BPS400 is a monster with excellent bass i think

i really can't wait to go at myfirst Son et Image hi-fi Montreal show this next march :)
looooooks WOWWOOWOWOW :)

Vive Canada:)
Merlin68 If I had to take one system to war with the world on an Audio shoot off.Your Combo would be hard to beat.Add All Coincident wiring to the combo.
As for Sonic how the mighty have fallen.
A product that is been flooded into the market at 60% off list cant be all that.