Im not sure I know what a standing wave is either but I know one when I hear one. It's sort of like turning on a light in a room full of mirrors. I can get my little mini-monitors, supposedly down 6db at 60hz, to put out a 10db peak at 60 hz if I put them in the wrong position in a perfectly symmetrical room.
What you want in your room with your electronics, I think, and some might disagree, is a small but warmish speaker. I've never heard of the Dynaudio speaker you mention, but the Contour 1.3 is small and very good. Not really warm though, might be a little bright with the Plinius in your room, unless Ive heard wrong. I would suggest little Spendors, but I dont think they're known for having "tight" bass.
For my home office, I chose to go with very inexpensive speakers, Acoustic Energy Aegis Ones, ample bass but not "tight," nice detail, but a little soft on top. I listen off axis closer to one speaker than the other and found that my cleaner, more revealing, more detailed little mini-monitors were too bright in that situation. Small rooms are tough, especially if you cant listen in the sweet spot.