Cheapest places to buy gear?

Hey. I'm hoping people will offer up the names and perhaps numbers or contacts, email, web address etc of the CHEAPEST places they have found to buy various audiophile items: everything from power amps, interconnects, tonearms, cardas wire, caps, cartridges, etc...
I think this will help a lot of people out besides cheap-ass li'l ol me.
Dont forget for the purchase of music. I am assuming source material is an audiophile item. This site may not always be the cheapest place to find the CD or LP you are looking for, but it will often list that one title you have been trying to find forever. And most of the time for dirt cheap. In fact, I find there is so much listed that it can take the fun out of "collecting" music, because it is all there. Amazon has been sitting in the corner wearing a dunce cap ever since I found it.
Good luck.
Email or phone Walter who deals on Audiogon as "underwoodwally;" his prices on high-end gear are astounding and he is really helpful about options too. Two other Audiogon dealers I have dealt with at amazingly low prices (for new gear) are Bob at Avalon Audio Video (ph. in New Jersey at 609-654-7752) and Kevin at Audio Deals (ph. tollfree at 888-528-6933). I also agree with the other poster who recommended Stereo Trading Outlet; great stuff, much of it new or lightly used demo, at great prices. If you can't find an item you're looking for from a private seller on Audiogon, who usually have the LOWEST prices, try one of these dealers. I also think the Audiogon private sellers are far more reliable and helpful and accommodating in transactions than anyone on eBay or other sites I have used.
And I forgot to second the recommendation for not only for LPs, CDs, and SACDs at the lowest prices (and fastest shipping; they are in Chicago so seem to be pretty centally located), but also for turntables, cartridges, accessories, and some cables. They are an extremely reliable mail order place and they will help you set up your turntable if you don't want them to do it for you.
For cds try They are in Canada so sometimes they have stuff not yet available here. They have a list of 200 titles that go for 9.90. After that they are generally competitive.
With confidence, I would refer you to Jeff's Sound Values. I've experienced their approach pertaining to audio sales and would characterize it as genuinely pleasant and enjoyable. Jeff and Dan are highly recommended! -Sam