Cost effective Schumann Resonator

After reading about the Acoustic Revive unit, I was looking on Ebay and found a Schumann Resonator for $175 (plus $20 for a very nice plexiglass case). It's model designation is Chartres Mk.2. It is made by a fellow named David in Indonesia. He was a pleasure to deal with, start to finish. The unit arrived in about 10 days. The fit and finish was reassuring. It is a circuit board with good quality components mounted between two sheets of well cut and finished plexiglass.
I have read, and failed to understand a lot that has been written about Schumann resonators, but I am willing to. Suspend disbelief and try a tweak that a lot of folks say works. My initial reaction on hooking up the resonator was disbelief. Sound stage and localization were noticeably better. I had to disconnect and reconnect the unit several times to convince myself that I wasn't fooling myself. Mechanism of action be hanged, it made a very positive difference in my system. This finding was confirmed my moving it to a second system where, again, spatial information seemed much improved.
I am very happy with this purchase. Results rule!
The Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz is actually a natural electromagnetic resonance in the ionosphere produced by lighting storms and solar radiation. The Schumann frequency is very close to the alpha wave frequency used for relaxation and meditation. It should be pointed out that since EMI/RFI frequencies are very high, in the GHz range, the Schumann frequency, being very low, would not interfere with them, I.e., block, absorb, etc.
What a very kind and reasoned post, John, thank you! I have to think that only something like a whole house Faraday cage would be effective at eliminating environmental EMI/RFI. And not many would want to bear the expense and hassle of implementing such a device....

I have a Quantum device, which I believe does the same thing, that's been in my system for many years and I think I'm ohque.

All the best,