Cost effective Schumann Resonator

After reading about the Acoustic Revive unit, I was looking on Ebay and found a Schumann Resonator for $175 (plus $20 for a very nice plexiglass case). It's model designation is Chartres Mk.2. It is made by a fellow named David in Indonesia. He was a pleasure to deal with, start to finish. The unit arrived in about 10 days. The fit and finish was reassuring. It is a circuit board with good quality components mounted between two sheets of well cut and finished plexiglass.
I have read, and failed to understand a lot that has been written about Schumann resonators, but I am willing to. Suspend disbelief and try a tweak that a lot of folks say works. My initial reaction on hooking up the resonator was disbelief. Sound stage and localization were noticeably better. I had to disconnect and reconnect the unit several times to convince myself that I wasn't fooling myself. Mechanism of action be hanged, it made a very positive difference in my system. This finding was confirmed my moving it to a second system where, again, spatial information seemed much improved.
I am very happy with this purchase. Results rule!
Bought one of these out of curiosity. It doesn't do a thing for me. I'm not saying it doesn't make a difference, just that I can't detect anything. I guess it's a lot like cables. Some folks hear it, others don't.
I think there's some degree of difference depending on the speakers and maybe other equipment in a given system as to the effects one perceives. I noticed considerably more noticeable effects with my previous speakers than my current ones.
The recommended height is around five feet off the floor and between the speakers. If the unit is tunable you might want to try to find the sweet spot. I have often wondered how the 25,000 mile long Schumann wave fits in the room. :-)
Had the unit about 4 to 5 feet off the floor, just to the left of the left speaker. Will try it between the speakers at 5 ft. in a few days. Will post results at that time.

I am using several Schumann Resonators in my system. The quality of the power supply and dc lead feeding the SR makes an enormous difference to the sound. I have experimented from a $25.00 wall wart linear power supply, to 12v battery powered, to the fabulous Paul Hynes SR5. The SQ difference between the wall wart to the SR5 is like comparing a lamp cord to Odin PC. The difference is that significant. SR placement can yield interesting results as well. I have tried; under speaker cables close to speaker binding post, under pre-amp, under IC from pre-amp, next to power conditioners. All these different positions of the SR will give different sonic effects. If you only have one SR, my favourite spot is on the front wall between the speakers about 8’ off the floor. YMMV