whats the beat on MIT cables

I've been thinking of upgrading my cables on an adcom reference system and the MIT cables have been suggested due to their warm presence on solid state equip and nice soundstage they present. People in the know, could you please be of some help. Working with a somewhat bright pair os speakers. Canton ergo 102
I think mit does not let the music flow. Might be the network boxes. Presently listening to Goertz MI cables, so far I think they do what the mit's don't - let the music OUT.
I have a all Linn,(almost all)system. I replaced Linn LK-400 with the MIT-4 BI-wire(couple of years ago)it was OK, till i tried Audioquest Crystal's BI. I thought,they were a bit "cleaner" "sharper" then MIT. However, best thing is to try them in your system, and with the variety, of different kind's of music-for the long term satisfaction. Good Luck!