How much are you worth ?

I know. I know. It's none of my business. Bear with me. I know people who have $200K in the bank & their system costs
100K. I've also seen people living in dumps listening to 50K systems. So please tell me. What is your limit? How far will you go? If someone has $100, how much does he/she have to spend on audio equipment before you'd tell him/her to cool it. An accountant once told me that pertaining to the States as a whole,up to 1/3 of your net worth can be spent on housing, 10% on transport (cars), 5% on furnishing, etc.
Wonder if there's an indicator for high-end audio.
Ahem....before I read the posts I assumed the question had a less monetary complexion. My answer was "I dunno...ask my wife, my daughters, and maybe a few close friends...."
That being said (not too cloying, I trust), I'll join those who lost a lot in the markets, and my used Subie biz is taking it on the chin lately (can't figure that out!), so although I spent $15k asembling my ref system last year, I'm finding it difficult spending $$ finishing it with a suitable digital front end. Finding and justifying said component is work in itself, but for me it's compounded by
a real difficulty spending money on myself (especially withthe uncertainty of self-employment, daughters' tuitions, etc.) Thanks for the forum. Ernie
My system is worth $30K and I alternate between top ramen and mac/cheese every other nite for dinner....Like many of you, I my stock option was worth ~$2M last year...not it's barely worth ~$2K. My only savor thru these hard times is my system....and the wife of course. I should have cashed out and live a little instead of being so damn greedy. Oink Oink..
I'm close to fpeel in the arithmetic -- excepting the vehicle which belongs to my company. My present system retails for a fraction (35%) of my previous one ($+100k) that I had to sell, along with stock, to meet a dire situation. At least, I got a reasonable price for the stock which helped shelve the problem and I can still enjoy listening to music (I kept my software)-- so I can't complain. I also *discovered* friends who supported me, that I had been too blind to notice before.

Overall, I believe I'm worth more than my bank account and system indicate!

I'm with you Metaphysics. My equipment (first real system, combo HT and 2-channel) has depreciated WAY less than the rest of my assets in the last year. I'm trying to use that as an argument to my wife that we should invest more in this stuff. For some reason it isn't working...
Over 40 years ago, when in a HS chemistry class, I was informed that I was worth $2.78 in chemicals. So allowing for 10X inflation since then, I am now worth $27.80. My main system is worth about $40K (U.S. retail). After doing the math, my main system is worth 1,438.34 times as much as me. I feel that is about right for a card carrying audiophile of good standing.

Like so many others, we do have some mutual funds that got hammered in the market and don't amount to much now. I strieve to stay in debt audiowise and usually manage to achieve this goal on a monthly basis. I am presently in debt for at least 10 months and feel good about that-- so I can relax for awhile and just enjoy the music. I do make sure my electric bill is paid each month so I can keep the "big rig" up and running. ;>) Cheers. Craig