Right Angle Power Cord's

Hi everyone. I've got an ML 380S Pre-amp and it takes a right angle connection type power cord (cord plugs into the center-bottom of the unit). Can any one recommend a after market manufacturer that sells right angle (iec-end) power cords??
Thanks in advance.
Voodoo Audio makes a cable with a right angle IEC connector. I've never tried any of their cables so I don't have any opinion on their performance. You can find their website in the directory on the Audiogon home page.
ESP makes a 90-degree IEC connector that "fits Mark Levinson components with the IEC jack under the unit." Sounds like what you want, might be $550 or so.

ESP = Essential Sound Products, P.O. Box 81998, Rochester, MN 48308-1998, (2488) 375-2655. Most of my components now have ESP cords, and I am very pleased and impressed with the quality of performance.

I have a 2 meter Transparent PowerLink Plus with a right angle connector that doesn't really suit my needs. I've just been preoccupied with other things to think about getting something different. If you're interested in it, e-mail me.