Isolation Platform for CD Transport??

Any ideas???
You'll find lots of discourse by searching for shelves, isolation, etc. I continue to be VERY happy with my Neuance iso/absorp platform shelf under my CDP. Clearly a tighter, more coherent sound than air suspension or cones-alone.
Good Luck. Ernie
PS You may wish to address Redkiwi or Caterham directly re experiences and theory of operation.
I will second the Neuance shelving, which I support with upturned spikes (built into my rack). Very even handed without the annoying dips and peaks that I always seemed to get with my previous isolation methods. The music also has a better pace to it now. It is very simple as I just rest my components (with their stock feet) on the Neuance shelves and no longer have to concern myself with gear toppling off of cone points and such.
I have my EMC-1 sitting on Mapleshade tripple points (thanks to Brulee's recomendation)on top of a Zoethecus Z-pods.Sounds very neutral, best platform combo I have used so far. I will probably try the Neuance platform soon as I heard great things about it.
I think the type of isolation platform you wish to purchase or build would depend on the type of vibrations you wish to eliminate. If you wish to eliminate room born vibrations then I belive you need some type of air suspension system. If you are looking to isolate chassis vibrations then some type of cone/sand loading may be better. I have my SFCD-1 resting on 10 pounds of sand which is contained in four zip-lock type plastic bags. The sand then rests on a piece of MDF shelfing supported by a 12 inch inner tube that is partially inflated. On top of the player I have about 5 more pounds of sand again contained in plastic bags. This works wonders for me. The total cost of this system is below 10 bucks. good luck