Is "Paypal "in legal trouble?

I have no way to verify this but maybe someone out there knows about it? I just happen to read this in one of our audiogons' seller ad.
Word of advice needed as I use Paypal a lot.
Well if they are in trouble they have enough funds to cover a LOT of legal fees(you know those lawyers are brutal ;) it seems rediculious what they get to do transactions sometimes- such is life!! ~Tim
My state Louisiana is reportedly taking them to court for operating as an unregulated bank. I remember seeing it in the news but have not heard anything further. I think other states have taken legal action as well.
PayPal has FDIC insurance on your cash balance, even though FDIC does not think they are a bank. They merged with X.COM a couple years ago. X.COM was a real bank, so the money must be held there. New York banking regulators have aleady ruled that PayPal is not operating an illegal bank. The dangers of being a new format I guess. See this article:

I wouldn't describe them as a new format, but maybe as a virtual variation on traveler's checks. Paypal, which I use and find convenient, is one of those entities whose main profitability will prove to be for those who got in on the ipo. In the meantime, they make some money from some transactions, and from interest on your deposits, but without the great scale of a major credit card company. Add all this up - and bear in mind the problem of offering FDIC insurance while denying they function as a bank - and you will know to keep only as much on deposit as you can afford to have tied up for awhile if there's a meltdown, a la Martha Stewart, et. al.