Gerrym5, correct! The Linn sounds really good, but no contest against the big dogs in this discussion. To tell you my personal experience, I have owned two Lynn's, The Rock, a Versa Dynamics, Gyrodeck (JA Michell), a Winn labs, two VPI's, two Basis Debut Gold (Mk4 and Mk5), a Well Tempered, and a Walker Proscenium. One of my friends owns the Rockport Cirrus, having sold his Goldmund Reference to buy it. Why am I naming all these? I have actually owned and compared all these except the last two mentioned. The Walker is my first choice and my friend who owns the Cirrus said to me "if I had it to do over, I would have bought the Walker." When I ask why, he replied, "the Walker is at least on par with the Rockport's performance, and I would have had enough money left over for a luxury car". I agree.