Bi-wire cable versus 2 sets of cable

If I have an amp with 4 connectors (for bi-wiring) and speakers that are bi-wirable, do you get better quality sound with two separate speaker cables than you would with one set of speaker cables that are bi-wire (2 prongs on one end and 4 on the other end)? There would be a cost to two separate sets of wires, but is it worth it? Please help. Thanks, Scott
The guys ahead of me are pretty much correct.If the speaker has bi wire capability,do so.If you can't afford bi wire of a high quality,get one run (keep it as short as you can)for now;later pick up the second run of the same stuf and use the jumpers for now. Stay away from Banana pins.The contact area will be less.and even locking bananas can't be gotten as tight as spades.They are for dealers who have to change equiptment 5 times a day.Try to call your speaker mfg.give him your paticulars Look for his #in the review of any of his brand, in the mags. Some equiptment is sensitive to the length of the run.My first "high end"speaker wire purchase tought me one of the many lessons I've learned the hard way.The dealer said how many feet do you need? He would have sold me 50feet if I could afford it.One at a time I got 10ft runs of Cardas Quadlink.Both runs cost a little over a thousand.I didn't know any better.Later after getting some knowledge,I got a 6ft run of tara labs master;well a single run of this "killed" the bi wire I had.And at only $650 I later got 6ft more.And yes the second run gave me even more.Reach your amp mfg.the same way. most of them are only to glad to talk to people who have bought their product.Almost never go against what the say.Got a story or two on that subject. Dealers fall all over themselves to get to people with the hunger,the money,and not much knowledge. this help any??
Thtman the "main" reason for bi-wire is not to lower resistance, but to reduce distortion in treble and midrange. The high freq cable no longer has to handle magnetic fields caused by the higher current needed to produce bass signal. This is also why double run is preferable to internal bi-wire as it better isolates high freq from distortion. Best of all worlds is bi-amp and bi-wire set-up. Avguy also makes good point that speaker cables should in general be kept reasonably short.
Some, but not all, of the above replies are misleading. There are no hard and fast rules regarding bi-wiring. The best advice I can offer is to listen carefully, without preconceptions. For some speaker/wire/amp combinations, bi-wiring is clearly the way to go. For other combinations it's a waste of money. For what it's worth, in my system I bi-wire and use double runs of cable.
I agree that biwiring is definately better. I even noticed definite improvement in biwiring speakers with only one tap. I have experimented with double runs, and single biwire runs, but never with the same cable in both versions. I ended up going with two separate single runs as I also have an amp that has two sets of speaker taps, I don't really know if it is a lot better than the biwired cable version though, it is a lot more expensive though.
Thanks everyone for your responses. It sounds like double-runs are the way to go if you can afford it. I like the idea of the same brand for each run with a more expensive one for the mids/highs and lower priced one (if must be) for the bottom octaves. Thanks again.........