laid back, warm interconnects with tight bass clean highs

can someone suggest RCA interconnects for a laid back, warm mids, tight bass and extended highs but not harsh at all. Must be super smooth.
You can also try AudioMagic. I've tried several models in two different systems, and they seem to approximate your description. The entry level models are very reasonable.
Good luck, Ed
May want to consider Magnan Vi. Or if on a lower budget I'd recommend the Music Metre Signature at
You may want to call Jena Labs and ask about the Symphony cables. They have a dead flat frequency response from 0 - over 10 mega hz. Each cable is tested and measured, unlike any other cable on the market. The cables are also cryogenically treated which smooths everything out without the loss of detail. They are dead quiet and also very reasonabally priced.

Call Jennifer at 503.639.7551 for a 30 day in-home audition. You will not be disappointed and have nothing to lose.

Good Luck,

I will add my vote for the Cardas too. In my system, the inexpensive Microtwin was warm, but overly bloated in the bass and had a vague presentation overall. However, the Golden Cross is working wonderfully in my system. It helped take off much of the edge in my setup, without sacrificing detail.

For half the price, the Harmonic Technology Pro Silway II worked pretty well too. Close to, but not quite as warm as the Golden Cross though.

I hope that helps. Good luck!
Take a look at Bear Labs Silver Lighting Interconnect. It might work well with your system.