Equipment:Want to replace interconnects, price negotiable for right cables. Pleasing sound with detail, great soundstage and very neutral.All the equipment will remain only the IC cables will go first than speaker cables.

Speakers: Martin Logan Prodigy
Amp: Mark Levinson No.336
Preamp: Mark Levinson No. 380s
CD Player: Mark Levinson No. 390s
Anolog Fm Tuner: Magnum Dynalab MD102
Speaker Cable: Monster M2.4 (15ft. pr)
Interconnects: M1000i
Try the Kimber SELECT series --10 series = single ended,
11 series indicates balanced. The 1011 (or 1111) is an all-copper cable, the 10/11-21 series uses pure silver --silver for signal, copper for ground), while the spectacular 10/1130 is entirely all pure silver. If you can swing the extra dollars for the silver series, you'll have yourself a IC cable of outstanding tranparancy, detail, soundstage focus and at the all-too-elusive natural tonal colors that give music a natural and life-like perspective.
The Kimber Monocle/Bi-Focal speaker wire is also an excellent choice for your equipment. Give em a listen. Oh, one more thing. Ensure that the IC cables (particularly the silver series) have been fully burned-in. Sadly, unless you have a cable-cooker, it takes 1,000-1,500 hours of playing time before these cables settle in. But when they do, I'll bet you'll have a hard time leaving your listening chair....

peter jasz
i replaced my nordost 'valhalla' ics/speaker cables with HMS grand finale cables for 1/3 the price and like them better.if you truely want to hear how good your system can sound you need to hear these ics and speaker cables...there is a 30 day $-back guarantee with them and they come to you fully cooked on a cable cooker so there is no break-in time to put up with.
I have a ML 334/380/390s combo with Audio Physic Avanti Century speakers. I had Audioquest Diamond X3 ICs with Dragon 2 cable. I changed to Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway II's and Magic One ICs, with Pro-9 speaker cable. I found the Harmonic Tech cables much more open and detailed compared to the Audioquest cables. The change was not small.
Good Luck
The Stealth PGS gold cable will give you a very natural,open and detailed sound.Much better than alot of stuff out there.As for speaker cables,Acoustic Zen's line is hard to beat for the money.IMO.Good luck.