Any funny audiofile stories???

Over the holidays my girlfriend and I went to visit her former neighbors.I had never been to there home before.We were having a drink and great conversation when the gentleman turned the TV off and put in a CD.We continued our conversation but my attention kept drifting off to the music.It was a solo acoustic guitar.Finally after about 2 songs I interupted everybody and I said What are we listening to?The gentleman told me(Brook Williams-Little Lion)Then upon scanning inside his entertainment stand I noticed handles on his components.Now my interest was really peaked.I interupted again and asked what kind of equipment he had.He had some old Carver gear,but the sound was actually pretty sweet and definetely a cut above mass market junk.From this point on you can probably guess what the topic of discussion was.If you guessed gear and music your right.That night I got a crash course on some outstanding folk material,I didn't even know existed.All of the titles he played that night were excellently recorded.We left that night(I had a list of new CD's to buy)and my girlfriend was shaking her head,and said just what you needed an excuse to buy more music.Life is Good.
selling at a local fleamarket, a young'un (might have been bluenose's niece or nephew) picked up an eight track tape and asked "what kinda game is this"? kurt
"Omigod, is a power supply failing or what?" = cat dozing behind subwoofer. The purr, just like the sub, was corner-loaded.
Kind of funny now that I look back: I was sitting down soldering, in the nude, a few months ago and... (well, you can fill in the rest). My wife thought that I was having either some type of seizure and/or heart attack when I jumped up from the table swearing/howling/jumping about the room. Since then I try to do most of my soldering out on the patio (due to the fumes), but regardless take the time to get dressed (I even put on shoes) before starting work.
We have a dwarf rabbit named Jezebel (she weighs less than 2 lbs). Sometimes "Belle" likes to get in the corner behind the speakers or tries to chew on them. One night I swore I heard her scratching in the corner, but I couldn't see her, nor could my wife. This kept on happening, kept on hearing her but couldn't see her. Then we heard this noise. The bass port came flying out from the back of the speaker, with Jezebel right behind. We still allow her to listen, but that's getting a little too close to the music
Man, you guys have me cracking up. I can relate to Dekay's soldering, but NOT quite. A lot of times i'll solder wearing a t-shirt and shorts, so my legs are exposed. With an 800 degree tip, the solder can flow VERY easily. Needless to say, my girlfriend knows exactly how fast and erratically i can move. At least under those conditions : ) Sean