need help on choosing right power cord!

i recently purchased a resolution audio cd-55 cdp,i'm wondering if anybody can help me with selecting the right power cord for it?also for my amp mccormack dna-2 limited edition?my budget for each cord is around $300-600.i'm considering the black mamba,bmi eel reference.any thoughts on those is very much appreciated!thanks!steve.
Ugin. I own the EMC-1. If you can spend $1200 on the FIM PC It will transform the performance of this fine CD player to a level that you have to hear to believe. A must audition.
Hi Hungo. In your posted price range try a used cobra ($600 to 700) or coincident PC at $275. If you can streach to $1200 for FIM you will not regret.
I remember Wadia demonstrated their new CD player with Electraglide! I heard it is very good for the digital sources...? I guess i will go along with 7671
Have an's pretty amazing right out of the box. What did you accomplish with the power cord upgrade, and maybe more importantly for me (I need almost 3 meters...ouch pricewise) I wonder what you were looking to do to the stock sound of the E? IMO,.the sound jump factor and the slam is awesome yet on Frank Sinatra it is like he is in the room and somehow more subtle. This is one different player...some of the older 16 bits that didn't play with my $8000 separates 'cause of grunge (and I had the top de-jitter hooked up) sound fine...other's its too "BIG" for the digital mistakes make last decade--or the 80s--in digital mastering. Which can be fixed by just turning down the volume a little...otherwise this is more amazing than the Levinson was when I first heard the separates.
The power cord thing has had me either intrigued or quizzical for some time. Or, it has my head all #@%&^! up! Let's say that I was to put something like TG Audio cords,(reasonable and favorably reviewed by my compadres), in all of my components that allow power cord switches (Monarchy Audio transport, Resolution Audio Quantum DAC -- it needs two cords --, McCormack DNA1 Deluxe and Martin Logan CLSII's -- can't add power cords to the Audible Illusions Modulus 3). So, people, we're talking 6 power cords at $??? per cord. What sonic differences should I expect to hear? Do I replace all at the same time? Do I drive myself nuts by %^#$$^ around with replacing the cord(s) on each component and try to figure out whether to go with each individual upgrade or stay with the OE cord? My system is making music -- everything seems to work pretty well together. I'm saving my pennies to buy a big balls tube amp for the CLS's but would upgrade power cords in the meantime if it makes a big difference. Does it? Sometimes I think that heroin would be less expensive and far less frustrating. Thanks in advance.