I would and do not hesitate in recommending the Homegrown Audio cables. That is, for people with tube products. That is not to say they are for everyone using a tube product(no cable can be all things to all people). But, if you do not have bright, shrill speakers, you owe yourself an audition. At $70/meter, terminated(what wire CAN and should??? cost), how can you get hurt? I think that MIT cables have their place in this hobby, but I HATE them for tube systems. I liken what they do to the sound(at least the ones I have heard in tube systems) to using Chinese tubes. As if a thick oil had been poured over the music, yielding a slow, heavy, uninvolving sound(to me). Of course, we all have our own preferences. But, for the most part people who used MIT wire are solid state devotees, and tubeophiles are not usually MIT users. But, you should investigate all that is out there, that way you are sure.