what happened to power cord review

Back on 6/17/01 there was a post by Lcat about doing a power cord shoot out. Does anyone know what the results were?. I've been waiting for the results to help me make an informed decision before i buy some power cords.
I have the Audition on my Digital and the Power 3's on the rest. The Audition rules. Curious to hear if anybody compared the Audition to the Reference. Anybody???
I wondered about this shootout, too, but in the meantime learned a lot from Bob C et al about PCs, and then decided to make my own dedicated lines AND PCs from Belden 83802 (12AWG tinned 7x22 twisted pair and braided ground in Teflon only).
Bought 100' spool and a few ACME outlets and voila.
I'll get another 100' spool if anybody wants a few feet for DIY PCs and dedicated lines.
Only $2.50/ft + shipping. I'll be the goat and cut and pack this if you guys show enough interest. The improvement in my system compared to Romex and Harm Tech AC11 was quite noticeable: cleaner sound with better dynamics, especially at lower sound levels. Sweeter, yet no loss of detail. Hard to explain. Just can't justify megabucks for PCs, although I still chase too-expensive interconnects for flavoring....
Hey guys,
I have been looking for pc's the last few weeks. All the talk of these VIrtual Dynamics pc's got me interested. I just ordered a set of signatures. Should be here next weekend. I'll post the results when i get them.
Hey guys, another update :) Just ordered some Reference IC's, spkr cables and jumper cables from Rick. Will keep you posted on what they do to my mostly Cardas cabled system. All the best, Eric.
Hey! I just discovered that my name has been taken in vain! I must say that Bob has not grossly misrepresented me, however. I must add, however, that I think the Absolutes are greatly improved by cryogenic treatment. I would not state as absolutely as Bob would have me saying that the Absolute beats everything. I still use Omega Mikros on my phono, where I think Lloyd Walker is right that they work best. I have not heard the Eichmans, the Siltech Gen. 5, the Elrod ribbons, the Jena Labs, Bob's newest, or the Nordost Eldorados. I should also add that the Absolutes are being used down stream of two Sound Applications-one for digital.