Supplies for cable building

I have seen many people talking about building their own power cables and interconnects. What places provide the necessary cabling and connectors? I mean, Radio Shack does have some, mostly copper cables, what about silver and silver coated wiring and the like? PAUL
Several of the posts have mentioned "HomeGrownAudio". A friend recently assembled one of the all-silver sets of IC's, and the quality of the wire and jacks is very good. If your objective is primarily to save money, rather than have the DIY experience, you should also check out "". I have several sets of their cables and am very impressed with the build quality and price (very reasonable).
SDcampbell, do you have any speaker cable from them? I am interested in "double run" about 6'?
Tom_nice, are you interested in letting go of any of those hundreds of feet of wire down the basement?
Trelja, let's communicate about this. The short answer is Yes. Please contact (Let me add that the "nice" in that address and in my Audiogon name isn't the self-flattery it appears to be, but rather my wife's first name.)