CABLES for Tubes?

what are the best interconnects for a tube amp and Tube tuner and to a regular CD player and SilverLine Speakers
Ag insider logo xs@2xmp10019
I don't necessarily agree that silver cables are always the way to go with tubes. The other factor is the speakers themselves. I have tried the Harmonic Tech Pro Silway silver cables with my all tube system AND the Merlin VSM-SE speakers. The Harmonic Tech Truthlinks proved less bright and a better overall match. So the answer isn't always silver with tubes but lies more in the balance you are looking for and what is going to bring out that balance based on the rest of your system.
depending on your budget,ANALYSIS PLUS for shallow pockets and cardas golden cross for the deep pockets.when it comes to no hype or flavor of the month cable,dollar for dollar, analysis plus is the best by on the market.PERIOD
If you like silver the Homegrowns are very very difficult to beat for the value they represent.
I have a BAT VK5i and Bryston 4bst setup and I find the Nordost SPM to sound fantastic. They were fast, F-15 fast. My speakers are Martin-Logan ReQuests. I feel its a good combo after everything is burned in. Harmonic Techs are good value but balance is important like others have mentioned. Its a tuff game. So many cables, so little time and not always the opportunity to Demo. Good Luck